Tuesday, September 2, 2008



Genesis Tree

Trekking Suburbistan Aug. '08

Don Hanson
Manhattan Beach California
August 2008

Lunch at CPK, A Pear and Gorgonzola "pizza" as an appetizer.

Bird of Paradise and exploding Galaxy

Birthing Lily

10% of sales goes to social cause of your choice

The following applies only to sales from Alvino DeMeo:

10% of all sales will go to Social Organizations helping humanity

You may specify which organizations you wish to donate to, if not on this list, just add it below



Public Citizen, Protecting Health, Safety, and Democracy;

Emily’s List, A Political Network for Pro-Choice Democratic Women;

Food First Institute For Food and Development Policy – For the right to be Free From Hunger;

Common Cause;

KPFK Pacifica Foundation;

NETWORK A National Catholic Social Justice Lobby;

Union of Concerned Scientists


Amnesty International of the USA;

Witness for Peace;

Human Rights Watch;

The Center for Victims of Torture;

International Rescue Committee (IRC) Refugee Relief, Respect, Renewal;

USA for UNHCR the United States Association for the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees;

Grassroots International – provides effective support for people struggling for justice, human rights and democracy;

Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA) Small Loans-Big Changes;

Accion International – provides small

Loans to poor people;


United Farm Workers;

Hunger & International Relief & Development

Foundation for International Community Assistance (FINCA) Small Loans-Big Changes;

Accion International – provides small loans to poor people;



Doctors Without Borders;

Freedom From Hunger;

Homeless Health Care Los Angeles;

Los Angeles Regional FOODBANK;

Bread for the World;

Oxfam America;


Environmental Defense;

National Resources Defense Council (NRDC);


Sierra Club;


Rainforest Alliance;

Friends of the Earth;

Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund – Law Firm for the Environment;


Pax Christi USA – National Catholic Peace Movement;

Carter Center

MoveOn.org – internet org. informing & linking concerned citizens on how to take action on social issues.

YOUR CHOICE: Please make this donation to:____________________

Send acknowledgement of gift to:


Address_________________________ _________________________________

Prices start at at $19.95 email: thelink7@earthlink.net phone 626-918-5867

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Trekking Suburbistan 4

Guido's Pizza and Italian Food
Covina, CA June 2008

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Trekking Suburbistan 3

In search of sustenance again...

Drive - Through Feb.2008
Don Hanson

Yankee ingenuity at its best.

Friday, February 29, 2008

Idea starter

should we show student works here?

Well... let's see.


Monday, February 25, 2008

New Light Source

I have a few new Light Images to show.

I have found a new source for the base images.

some everyday, completely ignorable, attention grabbers...

Blue Moon X...

Neon Tube Beer Sign.

Blue Moon_x different


Monday, February 18, 2008

A group shot from Thursday & Feb 2008...

Pocket cameras are so cool...
Ken, Alvino, Thomas, Don, Margie and Rena.
At Millie's Covina, 7 Feb, 2008

It seemed like a good Idea...


it has been a while since the last update, the Thursday night meetings have been twice now with this Thursday (21 Feb.) being the third.

here is an image I made last week, sort of sticking in the vein of trekking through Suburbistan:

Having lunch at "The Macaroni Grill" I was struck by the layering of light and objects across the bar.

"coffe and cream" 2008

Don Hanson