Monday, November 19, 2007

Alvino DeMeo

Bird Goddess and Bird of Pardise

Birthing Bird Goddess

Natura Erotica

Artist’s Statement:
Recently, in the last 5 or 6 years, I have become intrigued by combining photographs together to convey or to create an interesting/inspiring/thought provoking final image.
These Images I call PhotoImages.
Definition of PhotoImages:
PhotoImages I define as any process that begins with a photograph and uses that image to enhance, transform, combine it with other images and, in general, manipulate it in any way you want to (mostly in PhotoShop) in order to create an interesting/inspiring/thought
provoking final image

Alvino DeMeo


lakshmi said...

I had not heard of this before but such colorful and beautiful pictures. Would love to see more.

Unknown said...

My subconscious sees a Goddess.

These works remind me of the ancient
Goddess cultures that were some of
the most creative, productive and
peaceful in human societies.

It invokes a sense of religion in my
psyche. I want to kneel and pray.

Wonderful imagery.

Thank you