Monday, November 19, 2007

Margie Molina

Margie Molina

Metaphoric Realism
Margie Molina- Artist Statement

I never felt I had a choice in becoming an artist, it simply exists as I exist.

I findthe creative process blind to limitations, demanding all of me.

The work process is violating to the physical body as well as to the mind, and that is what I find beautiful. I find the appetite of the creative process demanding on the artist, yet liberating.

To be an artist is conflicting, drawing attention to the art, therefore to the artist.
Exposing the hidden is poetic.

Revealing the nature of my person makes me vulnerable.
I prefer to be private and hidden; it gives the illusion of safety.

I hesitate to sit on the lap of vulnerability but it seduces me to come and sit for awhile.
Inspiration makes way from a sentimental state in my soul. Attention is given to
the alterations of the mind as it strains to accept its conditions.

Exploring a state of mind, guides me to see man’s plight and his journey in search of his value.
I am particularly inspired to materialize the melancholy state of females.

Study is given to the temporal moment of a romanticized solitude.
Emerged in mood, I labor until the birth of an image. Empathizing with the
disposition of the body and mind as it fights, gives up, and endeavors to find it’s place,
makes way to an acrylic filled palette, to the clicking of a camera.

My body of work includes expressionism and realism. At times I venture out in
search of metaphors revealing brokenness, and melancholy forms found in structures or
witnessed in nature. I am drawn to geometric forms depicting despair, unisons, or

Throughout my studies, may vision be brought to my eyes. May this creative
journey lead me to find my place among man and, in the process, gain more compassion
and more love. I selfishly partake in creativity to gain the breath of liberation.

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